(exclusive to PEVCA 2021 delegates only)
Wine Delivery Exclusive to PEVCA Delegates in the GTA only
CAASA invites you to join a sommelier-led wine tasting from the comfort of home.
Join us and Mackenzie Putici for a compelling tasting of a red and a white!
You’ll experience how climate, terroir, and wine-making technique shapes and defines the wine in your glass. Mackenzie will guide us through the global regions where this grape thrives so that can find your favourite new \wine.
We’ll deliver2 private collection bottles and an extra surprise beverage right to your door.
Participation details will be sent once registration is complete
CAASA’S Virtual PlatformFounder
New World Wine Tours and Eating Through TO
New World Wine Tours and Eating Through TO
Mackenzie Putici is the founder of New World Wine Tours and Eating Through TO as a CMS certified sommelier, educator, and culinary travel enthusiast he crafts memorable experiences for those looking to taste the best of global cuisine here in Toronto. Mackenzie is excited to team up with CAASA for a top-quality wine tasting experience delivered to your door.
Must be registered for the PEVCA and located in the GTA
Event Registration Closed
Must be registered for the PEVCA and located in the GTA
Event Registration Closed