Client Focused Reform: A Closer look at KYP


Know Your Product works hand-in-hand with Know Your Client in determining suitable recommendations or portfolio allocations to investments of any kind. Coming into force on December 31, 2021, all dealers (IIROC and EMD; basically anyone who comes in contact with investors) will be required to have KYP procedures and demonstrate how they are adhering to them. Hear from the OSC in this fireside chat what these rules mean for investors and dealers and what you might need to do to comply with the legislation.

This webinar is designed for all market participants including IIROC and EMD dealer employees (especially in compliance and product approval), registered reps/IAs/dealing reps, and those who advise these groups on regulatory matters.


  • November 23, 2020
  • 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm


CAASA’S Virtual Platform



Day 1

  • November 23, 2020
  • 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

  • November 23, 2020
  • 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm


Event Registration Closed


Event Registration Closed