This introductory session will provide an overview of the program, expectations and the application process. It is open to all that might be interested in participating in the program and are unsure of what to expect, time commitments, how to apply and more.
Registration for this event has closed.
Mentorship Program Opportunities:
Must be a member of CAASA
Be an emerging leader in Finance (4-6 years experience)
Working towards a more senior position or a career transition to another sector*
Responsible in driving the mentorship relationship
Be an industry leader that is prepared to commit ~ 1 hour a month
Motivated in investing in the next generation of leaders
Contribute to development of the mentees’ professional and behavioural skills
Challenge the mentee on their choices, decisions, directions, and ways of thinking
Matching Committee
Must be a member of CAASA
Have a large network of professionals to draw upon for matching the mentees
Wiling to commit to the March 1st to April 30th matching period
Option to work with a mentee over the program term (not required)
Read more on the program, HERE.
CIBC Mellon, 1 York Street, Suite 500, Toronto
CIBC Mellon, 1 York Street, Suite 500, Toronto